Company Activities
Sunflower Seed Hulling Machine
Sunflower Seed Hulling Machine
Sunflower seed hulling machine is an industrial plant to de-hull sunflower seeds and separate kernels and husks. It is a worldwide sunflower seed industrial equipment preferred by many users, because of its high husking rate, nuts broken small, good separation of shell and kernel, simple operation and maintenance etc.
The sunflower seed hulling machine combines cleaning, shelling, separating and checking in one equipment, saving time and labor cost. It has many national patents and a special design of vertical wide screen surface, which greatly improves hulling efficiency and separation effect. It consists of hopper, material hoist, multifunctional impurities remover, bucket elevator, de-huller (4 sets), gravity separator, shelling machines (3 sets) and wind-recycling unshelled materials system and control cabinet.
When seeds are thrown by the rotor at high speed against impact ring 7, they first come into an end collision against the hardened impact surface and then have a lateral collision along the weld or fault line of their hulls (in these two collisions the kernel inside the seed acts in wedge shape and tends to separate the two halves of the hull). These actions cause the hull to be separated from the kernel, with the kernel being left behind in the form of a curved fragment.
In order to prevent a proportion of unhulled seeds in the product emerging from the machine, there is an accessory device: a second set of radial blades protrudes from the rotor and extends to a very small distance from the impact surface. These sweeping blades 3 are designed so that as they turn, they sweep away any seeds, husks or their fractions that rebound from the hardened impact surface and get in the way of those being ejected normally by the rotor.
The third collision takes place between the ejected seeds and the set of tilting plates under the impact surface, which is a kind of double-hulling action. The resulting curved fragments are removed from the product and the hull is collected in a separate container.
The hulls are used as animal feed and can also be ground and made into a biofuel. They also help in the germination of sunflowers. They can be spread on fields as mulch, where they will breakdown after a few years and enrich the soil. This is considered good stewardship. Alternatively, they can be disposed of in a landfill and can be used as composting material. However, the hulls must be carefully cleaned before being spread on fields because they contain bacteria that can be harmful to animals and plants. The hulls should be spread on the field in layers no deeper than 6 inches (15 cm). This will keep them from contaminating the water supply. The hulls should also be thoroughly washed before being used in the food chain. The hulls should not be stored in cool storage areas, because they can lose their flavor. Moreover, the moisture content of the hulls must be moderate because too dry or too damp seeds will affect work efficiency.
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