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Buckwheat Husker
Buckwheat Husker
The buckwheat husker is an important machine in the hulling process of buckwheat.buckwheat husker It can remove the outer husk of the seed, leaving behind only the head kernel. Its clearance between emery roll can be adjusted, maximizing the effect of hulling and achieving high head kernel ratio. It is widely used in sweet buckwheat hulling and tartary buckwheat hulling, making it the best equipment for the buckwheat husking process.
Buckwheat grows best on soils that are neutral or slightly acidic, although it will tolerate somewhat alkaline conditions.buckwheat husker It requires moderate nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates, but it does not respond as well to too much N and can become excessively rank and leafy. Phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer needs are also modest, but additional application may be needed if the crop is following a legume crop or on soils with low organic matter levels.
Buckwheat is often planted as a cover crop or for pollinator seeds.buckwheat husker It is relatively inexpensive and can be broadcast seeded at rates of 50 to 55 pounds per acre for the former and 45 to 60 pounds per acre for the latter. Buckwheat seed size varies by variety, but generally speaking a test weight of at least 45 pounds per bushel is acceptable. Seed that is below a desired test weight is often discounted as dockage, which must be removed prior to marketing.
As with other cover crops, buckwheat has modest yields in comparison to cereal crops grown under the same conditions.buckwheat husker However, if weeds are controlled, good yields can be attained, particularly when the crop is planted in mid- or late summer so that flowering and seed set occur as evening temperatures begin to cool.
If buckwheat is going to be swathed, it is best to harvest when 75 to 80 percent of the crop's seeds are mature and brown.buckwheat husker Swathing earlier than this can result in shatter loss and immature seeds that will not ripen fully. If buckwheat is being direct-harvested, it should be harvested when 90 to 95 percent of the seeds are mature and brown.
In addition to its nutritional value, buckwheat is known for its ability to retain moisture in the soil. It is an effective phosphorous scavenger, nearly twice as efficient as barley and 10 times more effective than rye. It can be an excellent choice in sandy, stony or clay soils that tend to dry out after a rainstorm and require additional water to rehydrate.
Buckwheat can provide an economic alternative to soybeans and wheat for land that is not suitable for those crops. Its low input costs and moderate to high returns make it a viable option for many producers.
A buckwheat pillow is a natural alternative to feather and down pillows. Its hulls are high in protein, fiber, iron, Vitamin B6 and magnesium, providing a soft, supportive fill. Some buckwheat pillows are made with both whole hulls and groats, with the former offering a more substantial feel and the latter a smoother, quieter sleep experience.
Tags:buckwheat dehuller | buckwheat peeler | buckwheat shelling machine
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