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Almond Hulling Machine

  • Monday, 18 November 2024
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Almond Hulling Machine

Almond hulling machine is a main equipment in almond shelling and separating production line.almond hulling machine It is mainly used for removing hard shells of almond,hazelnut and other hard shell nut. It can be used in large scale nut processing enterprises to improve efficiency and reduce cost. It has high shelling rate with small space occupation and lower investment.

Almonds are the only tree fruit that produce two coproducts – almond kernels and hulls.almond hulling machine At present, California produces 80% of the world’s almonds and uses all but the shells for feed for dairy cows. The industry is looking for new markets and value-added solutions to put the hulls and shells to productive use.

In-shell almonds represent approximately 8% of the total almond market. They are important for many domestic consumers and foreign export markets. The in-shell process can be a time consuming and labor intensive operation.

There are several steps involved in hulling almonds. First, the almonds are pre-cleaned in a trailer and at the hulling plant. Various machines are used to break the almond shells such as rollers, beaters and screens.

The nuts are then sorted into different grades by size and quality. This is done on vibrating decks which are fitted with a variety of screens. These screens can be woven wire (in square or rectangular patterns) or punched plate with round or slotted holes. They are designed to separate hulls, inshell almonds and nut meats based on their size and shape. Light foreign material is removed by aspiration during the screening and sorting processes.

Upon completion of the pre-cleaning and sorting processes, the almonds are fed into the hulling machine. Two counter-rotating rollers crack the shells of the nuts. They are then separated into in-shell almonds and nut meats by means of vibrating screens. The in-shell almonds are discharged from the upper sieve, and the nut meats are discharged from the lower sieve.

During the hulling process, the nuts are inspected and graded for defects such as undeveloped kernels, broken shells or acorns. In addition, the nuts are sprayed with water to remove any remaining debris from the shells before they are packaged for sale. The hulling process is also critical to the almonds’ final quality and storage capability.

Tags:lentils dehulling machine | almond dehulling machine | hemp seed hulling machine

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