Company Activities
Buckwheat Hulling MachineBuckwheat hulling machine is a key component in the processing of buckwheat to create a variety of food products. It helps to eliminate the shells from buckwheat seeds, which ...
Buckwheat Shelling MachineThe buckwheat shelling machine has a high dehulling and whole kernel recovery rate, clean separation of the husks and kernels, and user-friendly operation.buckwheat shelling ...
What Is an Almond Sheller?Almonds are a type of tree nut with many health benefits, most commonly known as a snack food.almond sheller They are rich in vitamin E, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, and ...
Buckwheat ShellerA buckwheat sheller is a specialized seed processing machine designed to efficiently and precisely dehull buckwheat seeds, resulting in high-quality kernels.buckwheat sheller The mac...
Mung Bean DehullerBeans are a valuable source of nutrients and serve as a staple food for people around the world. They also play a role in many culinary dishes and traditional medicines. As such, the...
Ton Bag Weighting MachineThe ton bag weighting machine is a highly effective means of automating the process of filling bulk bags with powdered, granular or pelletized products. Its robust, heavy-duty...
What Is a Dehulling Machine?The dehulling machine is a piece of equipment that separates grain from its husks.dehulling machine This can be done manually or automatically using a variety of technique...
Oat ProcessingOat processing can have a significant impact on the organoleptic and nutritional experience of a final product.oat processing It is not uncommon for the process to alter some of the nut...
The Apricot DehullerThe apricot dehuller is used to separate the kernels from the shells in apricot production. It can also be applied to a variety of other foods and crops, such as beans, hazelnuts, ...
How Does an Air Screen Cleaner Work?Air screen cleaners are a staple for any seed processing plant. They are used in a variety of applications to remove chaff, light seed, and broken kernels. This typ...
Melon Seed HullerA melon seed huller is an automatic machine that can separate the kernels from the shells in order to make a pure, healthy, and delicious food.melon seed huller It is used for large ...
The Importance of the Oat Shelling MachineA key component in the production of oats, an oat seed shelling machine is designed to remove the protective outer hulls from oat kernels. This process enable...
How to Sheller LentilsLentils are versatile and inexpensive, which makes them a staple in many home cooks’ cupboards.lentils sheller They’re also a good source of protein and other dietician-recommen...
Buckwheat Huller - How to Make Your Own Buckwheat FlourBuckwheat huller is a machine that removes the outer shell of buckwheat seeds, leaving behind the edible kernel inside.buckwheat huller The mach...
Oat Shelling MachineThe oat shelling machine is an integral part of a successful oat seed processing line, and its meticulous design centers on efficiently separating the outer hulls from the oat kern...
Advantages of a T Shape ConveyorA conveyor system is a useful tool for moving materials in a manufacturing or industrial environment.t shape conveyor They can increase efficiency, lower costs, and al...
Buckwheat DehullerBuckwheat dehuller is a kind of machine that can separate the buckwheat hulls from the buckwheat kernels.buckwheat dehuller This buckwheat hulling machinery can process 300-500 kg b...
What Is a Grading Machine?A grading machine is a large piece of heavy machinery used to level surfaces such as roads, runways and construction sites.grading machine It is usually driven by a person s...
The Benefits of a Buckwheat Peeling MachineBuckwheat is a versatile crop that can be used in a variety of ways.buckwheat peeling machine It can be used as a delicious breakfast cereal or as a filling...
Apricot ShellerApricot sheller is a professional nut processing equipment. It can remove the hard shell of apricot kernel, hazelnut, jujube and filbert etc. It consists of elevator,first-class process...